During the confinement set against the COVID19 pandemic, the GRD group is still fully operational. Most of our research can be done by teleworking and remote control of our testbeds.
Unfortunately, the starting date of two new members has to be postponed, although both have been integrated to the team through our remote communication channels.
Iva LAGINJA, 2nd year PhD student in partnership between STScI (Baltimore, R. Soummer) and ONERA (JF Sauvage, T. Fusco). Iva works on cophasing segmented telescopes for high-contrast imaging applications. After 1.5yr at Baltimore, Iva is to finish her PhD program here at LAM.
Felipe BUSTOS PEDREROS, Marie Curie postdoctoral Fellow. Felipe works on wavefront sensing techniques using laser guide stars.
Welcome to the team !
Finally, this month we had three new publications in the team :
Lemared, Ferrari, et al., accepted in Optics Express : Stress mirror polishing for future large lightweight mirrors : design using shape optimization.
Correia, Fauvarque, et al., accepted in MNRAS : Performance limits of adaptive-optics/high contrast imagers with pyramid wave-front sensors.
Fusco et al., accepted in A&A : Reconstruction of the ground-layer adaptive-optics point spread function for MUSE Wide Field Mode observations.
Mars 2020
- Groupe R&D optique & instrumentation