Astrophysique, niveau Master
Le cursus astrophysique est une spécialité du master de physique proposé par la Faculté des sciences ; il résulte d’une série de choix de cours au sein du master de physique. Ce parcours de 2 ans apporte les connaissances fondamentales de l’astrophysique moderne dans les domaines de la cosmologie, des galaxies et des sciences planétaires, permettant de comprendre les mécanismes qui régissent l’évolution de l’Univers depuis le Big-Bang jusqu’à la formation des planètes et les moyens d’observation.
Targeted knowledge and skills
We train astrophysicists combining fundamental knowledge in cosmology, galaxy and planetary sciences, and practical skills in modeling, data analysis, observation and instrumentation.
This 2-year track (M1 and M2) offers a common disciplinary base with courses in fundamental physics during the first semester and a choice of specialized courses from the second semester to the fourth semester.At the end of the course, you will have acquired the following general skills:
– mobilizing theoretical and practical resources related to astrophysical issues
– communicating information in English to different audiences
– developing critical analysis skills
– possessing the numerical and technical tools required for observation analysis
(big data handling, statistics, image treatment, AI,…) -
The Sugiton lecture room The lectures in astrophysics are given by experienced researchers, mostly from the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille on the Technopole in a dedicated lecture room. Tutored projects in small groups (3-4 persons) embedded in research teams complete the lectures by teaching the know-hows and practical skills. A dedicated radio-telescope can be operated remotely from a dedicated contrtol room. A 4-day observation period will take place at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence. A 4-month internship in a research laboratory, in France or abroad (, will take place during the fourth semester.
List of lectures (in ECTS)
Semester 1 BCC1: analyze, model and solve statistical physics 4 quantum mechanics 4 condensed matter and optics 4 electromagnetism and plasma 4 BCC2: methodology mathematics for physics 4 experimental physics 4 BCC3: profesionalization computing & Python 2 scientific watch 2 language (English or French) 2 Semester 2
BCC1: analyze, model and solve planets & stars 4 cosmology 4 statistical methods for data analysis 4 choice of one lecture: particle physics, subatomic physics OR relativity OR spectroscopy OR physical chemistry 4 BCC2: methodology history of physical sciences 2 experimental physics 4 numerical projects 2 BCC3: profesionalization numerical development 2 internship 4 Semester 3
BCC4: analyze, model, R&D project
stars & galaxies 6 galaxies & cosmology 6 planetary systems 6 BCC5: integrate specialized knowledges
instrumentation for astronomy 4 numerical projects 4 BCC3: profesionalization scientific watch 2 IA and data 2 Semester 4
BCC4: analyze, model, R&D project
internship (16 weeks) check the national list of internships
18 BCC5: integrate specialized knowledges
astronomical observations at the Haute-Provence Observatoire 4 astrophysics or astroparticle project(radio-astronomical observations) 4 choice of one lecture: astroparticles & primordial cosmology OR physical chemistry (S3) OR magnetohydrodynamics 4 -
admission requirements:
M1 students with a bachelor in physics, chemical physics can apply through Mon Master or Campus France depending on your nationality
M2 students with a M1 in physics can apply through either e-candidat (!accueilView) or Campus France ( according to your nationalityRead carefully the Master application procedure.
International students : the lectures are taught in English. International students can be apply to the Campus France Excellence Eiffel program.
The lectures are given either on the Saint-Charles Campus, or on the Etoile Campus (see campus map ). Tutored projects take place at LAM on the Château-Gombert technopole.
Career opportunities
- PhD in astrophysics, physics
- engineer in data analysis, instrumentation, R&D
Patrice Theulé
Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille