Galaxies, étoiles et cosmologie

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Café-Club, Pierre BOLDRINI: « ΛCDM cosmological simulation of Monge-Ampère gravity via optimal transport theory ».

Pierre BOLDRINI (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris): "ΛCDM cosmological simulation of Monge-Ampère gravity via optimal transport theory". You can find the schedule of upcoming café-clubs and the video of old ones here. Take care, Carlo, Meriam, Mathilde ---------------- ABSTRACT Monge-Ampère gravitation is a modification of the classical Newtonian gravity where the linear Poisson equation is replaced by the […]

Café-Club, Catherine CERNY: « Probing the inner density profile of galaxy clusters with strong lensing and MUSE spectroscopy »

Catherine CERNY (Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy, Durham University): "Probing the inner density profile of galaxy clusters with strong lensing and MUSE spectroscopy". You can find the schedule of upcoming café-clubs and the video of old ones here. Take care, Carlo, Meriam, Mathilde ---------------- ABSTRACT Galaxy clusters are the most massive gravitationally-bound objects in the universe, […]

Cafe-Club, Malgorzata SIUDEK (ICE, CSIC, Barcelona): « Supermassive black holes found in distant dwarf galaxies »

Malgorzata SIUDEK (Institut de Física d'Altes Energies, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology & Institute of Space Sciences (ICE, CSIC), Barcelona): "Supermassive black holes found in distant dwarf galaxies". You can find the schedule of upcoming café-clubs and the video of old ones here. Take care, Carlo, Meriam, Mathilde ---------------- ABSTRACT The statistical power […]

Cafe-Club, Richard FEDER-STAEHLE (Caltech): « PCAT-DE: Reconstructing point-like and diffuse emission using spatial and spectral information »

Richard FEDER-STAEHLE (Caltech): "PCAT-DE: Reconstructing point-like and diffuse emission using spatial and spectral information" You can find the schedule of upcoming café-clubs and the video of old ones here. Take care, Carlo, Meriam, Mathilde ABSTRACT I will present recent progress on probabilistic cataloging (PCAT), a transdimensional, Bayesian hierarchical modelling framework initially designed for crowded field […]

Cosmo Circle

Vendredi 5 mai, de 15h00 à 16h00, nous aurons notre huitième réunion du Cosmo Circle dans la salle de réunion Mistral (2ème étage du LAM). Raphael Gavazzi présentera le récent article " The galaxy formation origin of the lensing is low problem " à trouver ici: et, si le temps le permet, il parlera […]

Cafe-Club, Matthew LEHNERT (CRAL, Lyon): « A possible stream of accreting cold atomic and molecular gas in the halo of a high redshift radio galaxy ».

Matthew LEHNERT (CRAL, Lyon), who will talk about "A possible stream of accreting cold atomic and molecular gas in the halo of a high redshift radio galaxy". The cafe-club will take place at 2:00 pm on usual AMU virtual room (link below). The broadcast in the Library at LAM will be confirmed on Wednesday reminder. […]

Cafe-Club, Patrice THEULÉ (LAM): « Warm temperature formation of interstellar molecular hydrogen on a carbonaceous surface »

Patrice THEULÉ (LAM): "Warm temperature formation of interstellar molecular hydrogen on a carbonaceous surface". You can find the schedule of upcoming café-clubs and the video of old ones here. Take care, Carlo, Meriam, Mathilde ---------------- ABSTRACT Molecular hydrogen is a key ingredient and the physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium. The micro-physics of its […]

Soutenance de Thèse de Franciele KRUCZKIEWICZ: Contraintes de laboratoire sur les analogues de glace astrophysique : désorption thermique et constantes optiques dans l’infrarouge lointain

Amphi du LAM

Résumé: Je présenterai le travail que j'ai effectué sous la direction de Patrice Theulé, avec pour titre "Contraintes de laboratoire sur les analogues de glace astrophysique : désorption thermique et constantes optiques dans l'infrarouge lointain". La présentation et la discussion se dérouleront en anglais. Les membres du jury sont les suivants : Prof. Serena Viti, […]

Cafe-Club, Michal BILEK (LERMA, Observatoire de Paris; Collège de France; Université de Strasbourg): « What is the origin of the different kinematic morphologies of early-type galaxies? ».

Michal BILEK (LERMA, Observatoire de Paris; Collège de France; Université de Strasbourg), who will talk about "What is the origin of the different kinematic morphologies of early-type galaxies?". You can find the schedule of upcoming café-clubs and the video of old ones at Take care, Carlo, Meriam, Mathilde ---------------- ABSTRACT Early-type galaxies (i.e. elliptical and […]

Cafe-Club, Andrea SACCARDI, Susanna VERGANI (Observatoire de Paris, Université PSL): « Dissecting the interstellar medium of an extremely distant galaxy with GRB spectroscopy »

Andrea SACCARDI and Susanna VERGANI (Observatoire de Paris, Université PSL), who will talk about "Dissecting the interstellar medium of an extremely distant galaxy with GRB spectroscopy". You can find the schedule of upcoming café-clubs and the video of old ones at . Take care, Carlo, Meriam, Mathilde ---------------- ABSTRACT Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are an […]

Cafe-Club, Shawn KNABEL (University of California-Los Angeles): « Breaking MAD: joint constraints on the mass profiles and orbital anisotropies of elliptical galaxies with spatially resolved kinematics ».

Shawn KNABEL (University of California-Los Angeles), who will talk about "Breaking MAD: joint constraints on the mass profiles and orbital anisotropies of elliptical galaxies with spatially resolved kinematics". You can find the schedule of upcoming café-clubs and the video of old ones at Take care, Carlo, Meriam, Mathilde ---------------- ABSTRACT Shawn KNABEL) We measure […]

Cafe-Club, Carla CORNIL BAÏOTTO (Instituto de Física y Astronomía, Universidad de Valparaíso),: « Strong lens modeling of rich galaxy clusters ».

Carla CORNIL BAÏOTTO (Instituto de Física y Astronomía, Universidad de Valparaíso): "Strong lens modeling of rich galaxy clusters". You can find the schedule of upcoming café-clubs and the video of old ones at Take care, Carlo, Meriam, Mathilde     ABSTRACT In the inner core of rich galaxy clusters, gravity can create remarkable visual […]