The Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille has grouped all its activities related to Scientific Computing within the Centre de données Astrophysiques de Marseille (CeSAM).
It is under the direction of Christian Surace as head of CeSAM and Laurent Jorda as scientific manager of CeSAM.
CeSAM has 12 permanent CNRS ITA engineers and 12 CDDs in 2023 dedicated to scientific computing. It also hosts a student on a work-study program in the “Simulations and HPC Infrastructure” division.
The missions of CeSAM are multiple and directly linked to the projects. However, the data center must emphasize the possibility of covering the entire information processing chain. It provides scientific, technical and human support: CeSAM staff work in close collaboration with the LAM scientists involved in the projects on the one hand and the observation services on the other.
It brings its skills :
– To all the computer developments necessary for the scientific return of the laboratory’s priority research projects, from data processing to the information systems allowing to make available the final products of the project.
– Observation services, defined by the laboratory and the tutelles, and essentially piloted by the Astronomers and the Assistant Astronomers.
CeSAM offers software development solutions, WEB, Databases, numerical simulations, image processing, Machine Learning and Deep learning algorithms and realizes tools compatible with the Virtual Observatory standards. It also offers a project and computing infrastructure. It is articulated in 4 poles of competence.