LAM is delighted to have organised the French Astronomy Week from 4 to 7 June, with the support of Aix-Marseille University, the OSU Pythéas, the Institute Origines and the City of Marseille. The event attracted a record number of participants, over 500, and the LOC from LAM was responsible for setting up and providing technical assistance for 22 scientific and societal workshops in addition to the plenary sessions, covering all the key issues for our community. The participants came away very satisfied with their stay in Marseille!
The SF2A awards ceremony took place at Marseille’s Espace Bargemon during a convivial evening. The prizes awarded were the Young Researcher prize, the thesis prize, the school prizes in the Discover the Universe competition (with prizes for pupils donated by the SF2A, the Andromède association and the Vaonis company), and the Flammarion prize for scientific dissemination (with prizes donated by the SF2A and a telescope donated by the Unistellar company). A public lecture was organised to mark Astrophysics Week at the Artplèxe-Canebière cinema. P-O Lagage and V. Buat presented the first results of the JWST to the public in Marseille.