HCERES meeting at LAM
Laboratory visit by the HCERES committee: presentations, visits, meetings as announced by email.
Laboratory visit by the HCERES committee: presentations, visits, meetings as announced by email.
Title: Machine Learning as a connection to bridge astrophysics with real world problems Abstract: In the last few years my career has spanned predicting epidemics in Burkina Faso, detecting Russian missiles with Mobile Phones, measuring the expansion rate of the Universe with gravitational lensing and detecting Dark Matter with Galaxy Clusters. It seems that they […]
Within the MITI CNES/CNRS BOBAFET context, a three days workshop is held in LAM by Laure Ciesla including GECO members (O. Ilbert, V. Buat, R. Gavazzi), IAP and CEA researchers as well as guests from Cambridge. The workshop is dedicated to the modelling of star formation histories of galaxies from multi-wavelength observations and includes discussions […]
"Modelling the populations of low-mass planets: transition between super-Earths and mini-Neptunes" Zoom link: https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/88020777410?pwd=WlNQL1VyYWxOQjFaQ1pnU0I3SUpPdz09 Abstract Low-mass exoplanets are showing a diversity in their densities and irradiation conditions, ranging from highly irradiated planets to temperate worlds. To estimate their composition, we have developed an interior structure model that includes self-consistently an atmosphere in radiative-convective equilibrium. The […]
"Retracing the fate of volatile compounds: from circumstellar disks to planetary interiors" zoom: https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/89671630809?pwd=Q2Jhbkd5cWZHU3VuS3lyVUVrWGhyQT09 Abstract: Volatile compounds are a part of the elementary blocks in planet formation, and are also essentials for the formation of life. Understanding how they are redistributed in protostellar disks gives valuable information on planet formation mechanisms, which can then be […]
"Probing the gas reservoirs of high redshift, dusty star-forming galaxies using ALMA observations of atomic carbon" Here is the zoom link for those who are willing to attend remotely : https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/7585591256 Abstract: Intensely star-forming (> 500 M⦿/yr) dusty galaxies are found in the early Universe, and many questions regarding their formation and mass assembly remain […]
Louis QUILLEY (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris): "Aging of galaxies along the Hubble sequence". The cafe-club will take place at 11:00 am in the Library at LAM and on usual AMU virtual room (Meeting ID : 968 7683 2544 -- Passcode : 173347) You can find the schedule of upcoming café-clubs and the video of old […]
Maxime Quesnel PhD student will present his work on A Simulator-based Autoencoder for Focal Plane Wavefront Sensing.
title: The multi-scale nature of star formation abstract: Stars are the building blocks of the Universe. Yet in spite of half a century of continuous and intense efforts, their formation process remains insufficiently understood. As a matter of fact, the two most fundamental quantities regarding the star formation process and beyond, namely the star formation […]
"Overcoming the stellar activity impact on exoplanet detection and characterization". The defense will be held in English. Please find below the Ph.D. thesis abstract and the jury members. Lien zoom: https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/84199793791?pwd=VjhXbkpFditIM0dUWitRaFFkL1YyZz09 Abstract: Low-mass planets, with a mass of lower than 30 Earth masses, have an extraordinarily diverse range in terms of compositions. Their bulk density, […]
Francisco NOGUERAS LARA (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy - MPIA, Heidelberg), who will talk about "Finding the missing young stars in the Galactic centre". The cafe-club will take place at 11:00 am in the Library at LAM and on usual AMU virtual room: (Meeting ID : 968 7683 2544 -- Passcode : 173347) You can […]
Arturo NUNEZ (CEA Saclay): "Investigating galaxy formation down to stellar physics through numerical simulations". The cafe-club will take place at 11:00 am in the Library at LAM and on usual AMU virtual room (Meeting ID : 968 7683 2544 -- Passcode : 173347) You can find the schedule of upcoming café-clubs and the video of […]