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Seminar by Carlotta GRUPPIONI (INAF OAS Bologna)

Title: Dark galaxies in the ALMA and JWST era Abstract:   Our current knowledge of the cosmic star formation rate density (SFRD) at high redshift (z > 3) is based […]

GRD seminars Julien LOZI [NAOJ]

Julien Lozi a research engineer at Subaru telescope will present the  : Status of the upgrade of Subaru's facility adaptive optics: from AO188 to AO3000. Here is an abstract of […]


Lucie Leboulleux researcher at IPAG will present her work about  "High-contrast imagers robust to segmentation-due errors and low-wind effect". Here is an abstract of a presentation : Imaging and characterizing […]


Galaxy Evolution Circle

Dear all, The Galaxy Evolution Circle will restart in a different format. Every two weeks, we will pick-up a particular subject. The idea will be to create a round table where we will discuss the following points: – An small introduction. – Classic and recent articles. – Active (LAM) people working on the subject. – Instruments. – On-going and future projects. – Perspective. For our second G.E Circle (28/Oct./15h at Mistral room) we propose to discuss Star formation in The WM and […]


Galaxy Evolution Circle

Dear all, The Galaxy Evolution Circle will restart in a different format. Every two weeks, we will pick-up a particular subject. The idea will be to create a round table where we will discuss the following points: – An small introduction. – Classic and recent articles. – Active (LAM) people working on the subject. – Instruments. – On-going and future projects. – Perspective. For our second G.E Circle (28/Oct./15h at Mistral room) we propose to discuss Star formation in The WM and […]

Laboratory Council

This morning, the Laboratory Council will meet.