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Galaxy Evolution Circle

Dear all, The Galaxy Evolution Circle will restart in a different format. Every two weeks, we will pick-up a particular subject. The idea will be to create a round table where we will discuss the following points: – An small introduction. – Classic and recent articles. – Active (LAM) people working on the subject. – Instruments. – On-going and future projects. – Perspective. For our second G.E Circle (28/Oct./15h at Mistral room) we propose to discuss Star formation in The WM and […]

GRD seminar Laurie Paillier [ONERA]

Laurie Paillier research engineer at ONERA will present her work about optical links from ground to space. Here is an abstract of her presentation : Both the increasing imaging resolution […]

Cafe Club

  Tobias BROWN (Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics Research Centre, Victoria, Canada), who will talk about "How environmental processes regulate the gas-star formation cycle in Virgo Cluster galaxies". The cafe-club will take place EXCEPTIONALLY at 4:00 pm on usual […]

HCERES meeting at LAM

Laboratory visit by the HCERES committee: presentations, visits, meetings as announced by email.

Seminar by David Harvey (University of Geneva)

Title: Machine Learning as a connection to bridge astrophysics with real world problems Abstract: In the last few years my career has spanned predicting epidemics in Burkina Faso, detecting Russian […]

Workshop BOBAFET

Within the MITI CNES/CNRS BOBAFET context, a three days workshop is held in LAM by Laure Ciesla including GECO members (O. Ilbert, V. Buat, R. Gavazzi), IAP and CEA researchers […]

PhD Defense by Lorena Acuna

Amphi du LAM

"Modelling the populations of low-mass planets: transition between super-Earths and mini-Neptunes" Zoom link: Abstract Low-mass exoplanets are showing a diversity in their densities and irradiation conditions, ranging from highly […]

PhD defense by Artem Aguichine

Amphi du LAM

"Retracing the fate of volatile compounds: from circumstellar disks to planetary interiors" zoom: Abstract: Volatile compounds are a part of the elementary blocks in planet formation, and are also […]

PhD defense: Gayathri Gururajan

Amphi du LAM

"Probing the gas reservoirs of high redshift, dusty star-forming galaxies using ALMA observations of atomic carbon" Here is the zoom link for those who are willing to attend remotely : […]

Cafe Club

Louis QUILLEY (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris): "Aging of galaxies along the Hubble sequence". The cafe-club will take place at 11:00 am in the Library at LAM and on usual AMU […]

Seminar by Patrick HENNEBELLE (CEA Saclay)

Amphi du LAM

title: The multi-scale nature of star formation abstract: Stars are the building blocks of the Universe. Yet in spite of half a century of continuous and intense efforts, their formation […]