Optics & Instrumentation R&D Group

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PhD defense of Loïc Barbot

The defense will be on Friday December 8th at 9:30am, in the amphitheater at École Nationale Supérieure Maritime (ENSM). Subject of thesis : MARIS STELLA project: high-precision star tracker for […]

PhD defense of Nicolas Levraud

The defense will take place on the 11th of December in the morning at 10am, in the main amphitheater of the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, 38 rue Frédéric Joliot Curie, […]

PhD Defense of Pablo Robles

The defense will take place on Thursday December 14th at 3:30pm, at Telecom Paris. The Zoom link is https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/82603634558?pwd=Z1JpbVFMMnlQQkVYcEY5NUlLS0Nadz09 Title: "Adaptive Optics for LEO-to-Ground Optical Communication: Modeling, Optimization, and Experiment"

PhD defense of Alexis Lau

The defense will take place on Friday December 15th at 2:30pm in the amphitheater at LAM. Zoom link: https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/82643195786?pwd=dnlZZ1dadmgreTJ4eitZNlZBNzhnUT09 Title: "Development of adaptive optics postprocessing methods: robust deconvolution of images […]

LAM seminar: Henri Bonnet (ESO)

Amphi du LAM

Wavefront architecture of the ELT The ELT Wavefront Control manages the 5 mirrors of the telescope in position and shape and delivers at the interface with the instruments a beam […]

PhD defense: Arseniy Kuznetsov

Amphi du LAM

PhD defense: "Towards the next generation of AO-assisted instruments: Self-learning techniques for system optimization & science exploitation" by Arseniy Kuznetsov. The defense will occur on Tuesday, December 10, at 3:00 […]

PhD defense : Jiawei LIU

Amphi du LAM

PhD defense by Jiawei LIU: "Freeform optics and curved detector in the design of compact, fast and wide-field space optical imaging systems", in english. Abstract: In recent years, freeform optics […]

PhD defense: Mahawa Cissé

Amphi du LAM

PhD defense entitled by Mahawa Cissé : "Optimising Fourier Filtering Wavefront Sensing for High-Contrast Imaging: Applications to Extremely Large Telescopes". The defense will occur on Tuesday, December 17, at 4:00 […]